Our Weight Loss Philosophy

a client sits on teh exam table discussing the weight loss program with the doctor

Indy Weight Loss is a medical clinic in Indianapolis dedicated to providing safe, effective and affordable weight loss solutions. This blog post and video discuss the weight loss philosophy of the clinic.

Our Weight Loss Philosophy - Indy Weight Loss - Call (463) 222-0909

Weight Loss Without Being Tied To The Scale

For two decades the most prescribed weight loss tools have been Phentermine and Adipex, strong stimulants that carry risks for some people. Another often recommended procedure is surgery.

Two experienced weight loss doctors became frustrated that these weight reduction tools were out of reach for many of their patients. For some it was a matter of expense, for others, there were health risks. Hundreds of overweight people were not being served by their clinic and probably hundreds of thousands across the U.S. faced the same barriers. These physicians wanted a weight loss solution for everyone, and their research began.

Eventually, their study turned to proteins, those found in the muscles, produced in the body, especially after eating. Also known as Peptides, these are chains of amino acids that serve various functions, one of them to signal to the brain (the Hippocampus) that you aren’t hungry after eating. Huge spikes were seen in these proteins after gastric surgeries, indicating that this is how the body reacts to fewer calories. Why not isolate the protein and use it to mimic this response?

The formula that these weight loss doctors created are so safe, and the need so great, that it rapidly received Doctor approval. And, it turned out to be so successful, with many patient success stories, that they decided to open clinics across the U.S. Now, millions of people who are overweight have an easy and effective option. Our program is easy-to-follow, just receive a weekly dose of our protein-based therapy from a top weight loss doctor. Then make weekly visits for check-ups and the next dose. It doesn’t get any simpler than this.

The Indy Weight Loss Philosophy

Learn more about Indy Weight Loss and their philosophy behind the medical weight loss services that they provide by visiting the website (https://weightlossindy.com/). To schedule a weight loss consultation call the clinic at (463) 222-0909.

Mildred Brinkley, a skilled medical and science writer with a non-fiction writing degree, eloquently simplifies complex concepts on the Indy Weight Loss website. When not crafting informative narratives, she immerses herself in fiction literature, cooking, or hiking, all while being accessible to her audience via social media and email.

Mildred Brinkley, a skilled medical and science writer, simplifies complex concepts on the Indy Weight Loss website.